The most recent addition to the complete review is my review of Hồ Anh Thái's Apocalypse Hotel -- a rare contemporary (well, decade-old) Vietnamese novel made available in English.
A few observations about this book:
A few observations about this book:
- It's the first (and so far only ...) volume in Texas Tech University Press' new Modern Southeast Asian Literature-series; I hope many more will follow: as I often note and complain: this is an area that is woefully under-represented in English translation
- The novel was "adapted" by Wayne Carlin -- they admit that much, but not any more: there is an Introduction by Karlin, but he doesn't reveal exactly how he
butcheredadapted the text
- Wayne Carlin, who "adapted" the book, was not the one who translated it -- that was Jonathan R.S. McIntyre
- The cover features the name of the author, and notes that the book is "adapted and introduced by Wayne Karlin" -- but makes no mention of a translator