The most recent addition to the complete review is my review of Sabina Berman's Me, Who Dove into the Heart of the World -- published in the UK as The Woman Who Dived into the Heart of the World.
This is one of the most unusual books I've come across in a while, and it's obviously a hard sell -- autistic narrator ! industrial animal slaughter (presented in gory detail) ! -- and apparently because this book isn't already tough enough to market the American and British publishers actually decided ... to go with different titles ? I know there are 'professionals' at work here, and committee after committee undoubtedly thought this was a good idea -- in order to, for example, confuse folks looking for information about the book on the internet, presumably. Naïve ignoramus that I am, I can't fathom the reasoning -- though surely there must have been some sort of reasoning -- and instead can only scratch my head and marvel yet again about the book business at work.
In the novel, the narrator considers what to title her account near the end, coming up with five possibilities; I suspect the French had the best idea when they opted for the succinct: Moi ('Me').
This is one of the most unusual books I've come across in a while, and it's obviously a hard sell -- autistic narrator ! industrial animal slaughter (presented in gory detail) ! -- and apparently because this book isn't already tough enough to market the American and British publishers actually decided ... to go with different titles ? I know there are 'professionals' at work here, and committee after committee undoubtedly thought this was a good idea -- in order to, for example, confuse folks looking for information about the book on the internet, presumably. Naïve ignoramus that I am, I can't fathom the reasoning -- though surely there must have been some sort of reasoning -- and instead can only scratch my head and marvel yet again about the book business at work.
In the novel, the narrator considers what to title her account near the end, coming up with five possibilities; I suspect the French had the best idea when they opted for the succinct: Moi ('Me').