Kwani? is among the most impressive literary efforts to come out of Africa in recent decades, but apprently now there's the inevitable backlash -- so, for example, Abenea Ndago suggests it's time to Blame Kwani? for East Africa's literary swamp:
(Tenth rate ? Ah, hyperbole.....)
The criticism is of the sort much like that directed against US outfit n+1 - i.e. there's some validity to it, but Ndago does himself and his position no favors by stating it like this.
Today, I must turn against the Kwani? outfit because its approach now appears more poisonous than hemlock.Its sin ? Apparently a misguided focus that has led to: "a boundless literary swamp of tenth rate urban texts".
(Tenth rate ? Ah, hyperbole.....)
The criticism is of the sort much like that directed against US outfit n+1 - i.e. there's some validity to it, but Ndago does himself and his position no favors by stating it like this.