The Jerusalem Prize is the biennial prize of the Jerusalem International Book Fair, and they've announced that Antonio Muñoz Molina will get it this year.
No announcement at the official page yet (which could use more than just some updating -- it's a great list of winners but I think Graham Greene, J.M.Coetzee, and Zbigniew Herbert would all prefer it if their names were correctly spelled (a transliteration issue, no doubt -- but still ...)), but see, for example, a (Hebrew) report at ynet
I'm always amazed at how little of his work has been translated into English -- he headed the Instituto Cervantes in New York, for god's sake -- and while more is coming out he hasn't gotten nearly the attention hereabouts he deserves. Titles currently under review at the complete review are In Her Absence and A Manuscript of Ashes -- but more are sure to follow.
I'm always amazed at how little of his work has been translated into English -- he headed the Instituto Cervantes in New York, for god's sake -- and while more is coming out he hasn't gotten nearly the attention hereabouts he deserves. Titles currently under review at the complete review are In Her Absence and A Manuscript of Ashes -- but more are sure to follow.