At Publishing Perspectives Daniel Kalder reports on Overlook Press' Peter Mayer's ambitious plan for a 125-title strong "The Russian Library", in Canonizing Russian Literature for the World ... in English.
It sounds like it has a lot of potential -- and also sounds both like a completely atypical and yet also typical publishing venture, especially insofar:
It sounds like it has a lot of potential -- and also sounds both like a completely atypical and yet also typical publishing venture, especially insofar:
This will be enormously expensive, very work intensive, and it will take years, and there is no clear economic objectiveI'm looking forward to the books -- though there aren't many specifics yet (and nothing I could find at the Overlook site). The article does claim: "The plan is to release 10 volumes a year starting in the fall of this year", so I hope things get rolling (and more detailed information becomes available) soon.