Channel: the Literary Saloon
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Europese Literatuurprijs longlist

       They've announced the longlist for the (Dutch) European Literary Prize, to be awarded for 'the best European novel to appear in Dutch translation' in 2012 (Julian Barnes' Alsof het voorbij is was the winning title last year).
       There are several translations from English, but what's striking is how many of these books -- including titles by Alessandro Baricco, Emmanuel Carrère, Mircea Cărtărescu, Julia Franck, Alexis Jenni, Gilles Leroy, and Torgny Lindgren -- have already been translated into Dutch (Dutch !) yet remain unavailable in English ..... (Longlisted titles by Karl Ove Knausgård and Javier Marías will be appearing in English -- but only later this year.)
       Among the few non-English titles already longlisted that are already available in English are Learning to Pray in the Age of Technique by Gonҫalo M. Tavares, and Best Translated Book Award-winning Stone Upon Stone by Wiesław Myśliwski.

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