Farzaneh Doosti has a 12th Golshiri Literary Awards Wrap Up, one of the more interesting -- because not state-sponsored and controlled -- Iranian literary prizes.
However, even here, in what's apparently a continuing sign of the times: "only the debut novels and debut short story collections competed for the final award".
On the other hand, they did honor The Colonel-author Mahmoud Dowlatabadi for his "lifetime literary achievement", so they certainly got something right.
The official site has English information pages, but they're a bit behind the times; there's more coverage of this year's award in Farsi at the site -- and even if you can't read it, check out the pictures (including of Dowlatabadi being honored !).
On the other hand, they did honor The Colonel-author Mahmoud Dowlatabadi for his "lifetime literary achievement", so they certainly got something right.
The official site has English information pages, but they're a bit behind the times; there's more coverage of this year's award in Farsi at the site -- and even if you can't read it, check out the pictures (including of Dowlatabadi being honored !).