There are now over 3100 titles under review at the complete review, and so it's time to take another look at the statistics for the last 100 (well, reviews 3001 through 3100).
- It only took 144 days to review the hundred titles (previous hundred: 163 days)
- 81 reviewed titles were by men and only 19 by women -- but that still improved the historical average of percentage of reviewed titles that were authored by women from 14.98% to 15.11%
- The average review was 804.12 words long
- Reviews were of books originally written in 25 languages, including English (and including two new languages); for the first time ever English ranked lower than second as the language the most books were originally written in.
The most popular languages were:
- French 18
- Japanese 13
- English 11
- Spanish 8
- Russian 7
- Arabic 6
- Books were written by authors from 39 different countries; the top-ranked ones were:
- Japan 13
- France 12
- Russia 7
- US 6
- Netherlands 4
- 79 of the books reviewed were novels, and 5 were story-collections
- Two books were rated 'A', and 11 'A-'; the worst rated was a single 'C+'
- Five reviewed titles were first published in 2013 and 8 in 2012; only ten titles were first published between 1900 and 1945, and only a single title was published before 1900. (Publication dates refer to first date of publication anywhere -- not the date of the publication of the first English translation, which would skew the dates far more towards the present.)