Szentkuthy Miklós' Marginalia on Casanova certainly ranked among the translations-of-the-year last year, and I (and many others, surely) eagerly await the next Szentkuthy-volume from Contra Mundum Press, Towards the One and Only Metaphor (see their publicity page; no Amazon listing yet).
Meanwhile, helping to tide us over, Contra Mundum have posted a new issue of their periodical, Hyperion -- a 'Miklós Szentkuthy Special Issue' which is wall-to-wall Szentkuthy (on and by) -- 318 pages worth, and you can download it all here (warning ! dreaded pdf format !). That should keep you busy for a while; it's certainly keeping me busy.
Meanwhile, helping to tide us over, Contra Mundum have posted a new issue of their periodical, Hyperion -- a 'Miklós Szentkuthy Special Issue' which is wall-to-wall Szentkuthy (on and by) -- 318 pages worth, and you can download it all here (warning ! dreaded pdf format !). That should keep you busy for a while; it's certainly keeping me busy.