Via I'm pointed to the Al-Fanfar piece by Daria Solovieva, in which she finds Universities Missing in Action in a New Egyptian Literary Wave.
I'm not sure this is all a bad thing -- but from the sound of it the local university scene is not fertile ground in any literary way, and that is a long-term problem; they can do without creative writing classes (or, god forbid, MFA courses), I think, but a significant on-campus role for literary production and debate (and learning ...) is certainly something to be encouraged.
I'm not sure this is all a bad thing -- but from the sound of it the local university scene is not fertile ground in any literary way, and that is a long-term problem; they can do without creative writing classes (or, god forbid, MFA courses), I think, but a significant on-campus role for literary production and debate (and learning ...) is certainly something to be encouraged.