In The New York Times Mark Oppenheimer finds Mormons Offer Cautionary Lesson on Sunny Outlook vs. Literary Greatness, suggesting that: "Mormon theology makes otherworldly and escapist genres natural fits for church members", but doesn't lend itself as readily to more serious literature.
Perversely fascinating.
"I think there is a pretty thriving LDS book culture," Professor Madden said. "But a lot of it is faith-affirming and uncomplicated-type writing. Maybe that's why there's a pretty strong thrust of LDS genre writers. Because when you write sci-fi and so forth, things aren't as messy as with realistic fiction."And then there's the whole thing about writing YA/kids' fiction:
"I'll tell you why they write young adult," said Ms. Nunes. "Because they don't have to write the pages and pages of sex. They don't want to spend a lot of time in the bedroom."(And here I was thinking the multiple-wives thing would lead naturally to lots of bedrooms and lots of scenes in bedrooms .....)
Perversely fascinating.