In The Standard Tinashe Mushakavanhu wonders What happened to our literature ? -- and blames: "local publishers for letting down Zimbabwean readers. They have killed our literature" (which seems a bit harsh).
Mushakavanhu complains of: "the proliferation of donor-themed fiction being produced" -- money (and the lack of it available for things literary), as so often, being the root of many of the problems.
On the other hand, there apparently is at least enough being published that Mushakavanhu can complain: "I think certain Zimbabwean writing is overrated, massively overrated, and I really hate to read it".
Mushakavanhu complains of: "the proliferation of donor-themed fiction being produced" -- money (and the lack of it available for things literary), as so often, being the root of many of the problems.
On the other hand, there apparently is at least enough being published that Mushakavanhu can complain: "I think certain Zimbabwean writing is overrated, massively overrated, and I really hate to read it".