In Le Figaro Bruno Corty and Sebastien Lapaque look at Le réveil du polar français -- 'polar' being more or less the catch-all French term for crime thrillers.
I'm still not sure they're even closing in on the Nordic (tidal) wave, but, with some lulls, there's alwys been a steady stream of good French stuff, and this piece at least covers most of the basics -- and points to some new names and books possibly to look out for. But, while they note that, for example: "Les Chinois ont traduit Le Deuxième Homme d'Hervé Commère" ... well, the Chinese may have translated it, but US/UK publishers ... not so much, not yet .....
I'm still not sure they're even closing in on the Nordic (tidal) wave, but, with some lulls, there's alwys been a steady stream of good French stuff, and this piece at least covers most of the basics -- and points to some new names and books possibly to look out for. But, while they note that, for example: "Les Chinois ont traduit Le Deuxième Homme d'Hervé Commère" ... well, the Chinese may have translated it, but US/UK publishers ... not so much, not yet .....