A reminder, especially to publishers, about submitting titles for two of the major fiction-translation prizes in the UK and US:
- In the UK you only have (only !) until 16 September to submit titles for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize 2015 -- so if you haven't yet, do so no.
Eligibility requirements of note:
- In the US you still have lots of time to submit titles for the Best Translated Book Award (officially until 31 December ...) but, as one of the judges, I can tell you it is appreciated if we get the books sooner, rather than later (and so thanks especially to those publishers who have already sent in their titles -- much appreciated !). Details as to where to send submissions can be found, for example, here
Eligibility requirements of note (and note that some of these differ from the IFFP's criteria):
- In the UK you only have (only !) until 16 September to submit titles for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize 2015 -- so if you haven't yet, do so no.
Eligibility requirements of note:
- Published in the UK during the calendar year 2014
- First UK publication of the work in question
- "E-books are eligible, but must be submitted in print form (10 copies)"
- The author must be living (the translator, however, is free to be dead)
- In the US you still have lots of time to submit titles for the Best Translated Book Award (officially until 31 December ...) but, as one of the judges, I can tell you it is appreciated if we get the books sooner, rather than later (and so thanks especially to those publishers who have already sent in their titles -- much appreciated !). Details as to where to send submissions can be found, for example, here
Eligibility requirements of note (and note that some of these differ from the IFFP's criteria):
- Published or distributed in the US during the calendar year 2014
- First US publication of the work in question (meaning also: absolutely no new translations of previously translated works)
- E-book submissions are fine
- Author, translator, anybody and everybody associated with the book can be deceased