They've announced that the 2014 Asia Society Bernard Schwartz Book Award (and its $20,000 prize) goes to The Blood Telegram: Nixon, Kissinger and A Forgotten Genocide, by Gary Bass, selected " from over 100 nominations" (which are unfortunately not identified).
See also the Vintage publicity page, or get your copy at or
The prize: "recognizes nonfiction books for their outstanding contributions to the understanding of contemporary Asia or U.S.-Asia relations".
Interestingly, while translations are eligible, they apparently have to have been published, for the first time, in their original language and in English in the year for which they are being considered (i.e. for the 2015 prize between 1 January and 31 December 2014). Very, very few books get translated into English and published in the same year they appear in their original language. Very few.
The prize: "recognizes nonfiction books for their outstanding contributions to the understanding of contemporary Asia or U.S.-Asia relations".
Interestingly, while translations are eligible, they apparently have to have been published, for the first time, in their original language and in English in the year for which they are being considered (i.e. for the 2015 prize between 1 January and 31 December 2014). Very, very few books get translated into English and published in the same year they appear in their original language. Very few.