A bad two days for eastern European poetry, as Stanisław Barańczak died on the 26th; see the Gazeta Wyborcza tribute to him by Adam Zagajewski, or the AP report, Polish Poet, Translator Stanislaw Baranczak Dies.
Aside from being a noted poet in his own right, he was a prolific translator into Polish, including of the works of Shakespeare, while he also helped translate the works of Nobel laureate Wisława Szymborska into English.
Among his non-fiction of interest: A Fugitive from Utopia: The Poetry of Zbigniew Herbert (get your copy at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk) and Breathing Under Water and Other East European Essays (get your copy at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk).
Aside from being a noted poet in his own right, he was a prolific translator into Polish, including of the works of Shakespeare, while he also helped translate the works of Nobel laureate Wisława Szymborska into English.
Among his non-fiction of interest: A Fugitive from Utopia: The Poetry of Zbigniew Herbert (get your copy at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk) and Breathing Under Water and Other East European Essays (get your copy at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk).