Ethiopian author Sebhat Gebre Egziabher (ስብሐት ገብረ እግዚአብሔር) has passed away; see, for example, the News Dire report, The famous Ethiopian author Sibhat gebregziabher has passed away.
The only title of his available in English translation (and that barely -- Amazon doesn't seem to have it) is Seed (of course it's under review at the complete review ...). Of course, of greater interest would be something like ሌቱም፡ አይነጋልኝ -- published in French as Les Nuits d'Addis-Abeba; see the Actes Sud publicity page, get your copy (maybe ...) at, or see this review at Le Litteraire.
The only title of his available in English translation (and that barely -- Amazon doesn't seem to have it) is Seed (of course it's under review at the complete review ...). Of course, of greater interest would be something like ሌቱም፡ አይነጋልኝ -- published in French as Les Nuits d'Addis-Abeba; see the Actes Sud publicity page, get your copy (maybe ...) at, or see this review at Le Litteraire.