Unlike some of the Spanish book prizes, the Premio Nadal de Novela doesn't offer an insane amount of prize money -- but, as for example noted in the announcement of this year's prize:
(Yet another (foreign-language-writing) author who has honed his craft translating -- including Frankenstein and Pride and Prejudice. American writers, take note ?)
Con sus 18.000 euros de dotación, el Premio Nadal de Novela está muy lejos de los galardones más cuantiosos a obra inédita, pero sin duda es el más antiguo y uno de los más prestigiosos.So it is a fairly big deal -- and Cabaret Biarritz by José C. Vales has taken this year's prize.
(Yet another (foreign-language-writing) author who has honed his craft translating -- including Frankenstein and Pride and Prejudice. American writers, take note ?)