Dai Fujikura's opera Solaris, based on the Stanisław Lem novel, premiered on Thursday in a production at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées; see, for example, Marie-Pierre Ferey's AFP article, Opera of sci-fi classic 'Solaris' creates strange world, or initial (French) reactions in Le Figaro and at ForumOpera.com.
There's also an English-language overview of the work and creators -- but only in the dreaded pdf format.
Solaris has also been filmed twice -- by the great Andrei Tarkovsky, as well as by Steven Soderbergh. As to the novel: alas, in print/paperback you still can only get the abomination that is the translated-from-the-French-rendering by Joanna Kilmartin and Steve Cox; Bill Johnston's version, actually translated directly from the Polish (what a concept !), is only available in e-form (get your Kindle copy at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk), or audio-book form .....
Solaris has also been filmed twice -- by the great Andrei Tarkovsky, as well as by Steven Soderbergh. As to the novel: alas, in print/paperback you still can only get the abomination that is the translated-from-the-French-rendering by Joanna Kilmartin and Steve Cox; Bill Johnston's version, actually translated directly from the Polish (what a concept !), is only available in e-form (get your Kindle copy at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk), or audio-book form .....