Jean-Patrick Manchette's The Prone Gunman is, in its film-adaptation (and, sigh, movie-tie-in reprints) no longer prone, and The Gunman - the movie, starring Sean Penn, Idris Elba, and Javier Bardem is now out.
The critical consensus seems to be that it's a dud: see, for examples, reviews in:
The critical consensus seems to be that it's a dud: see, for examples, reviews in:
- The Atlantic ("A dull, generic retread of nearly every action movie you've ever seen")
- The Independent ("This is one of [Penn's] worst films since he was selling glow-in-the-dark ties in Shanghai Surprise ")
- The Los Angeles Times ("A frustrating fiasco that kills the material and squanders its exceedingly fine cast")
- New York ("But while its heart might be in the right place, the script is -- how to put it -- awful, repeatedly conveying its points with thunderous obviousness.")
- The New York Times
- The Onion
- San Francisco Chronicle
- The Washington Post