In The Standard Vivere Nandiemo and Barrack Oduor maintain We must save oral literature from extinction (in Kenya).
I think maybe they get carried away in arguing, for example:
See also Okot p'Bitek's classic Song of Lawino, from which they quote in opening the piece; as well as the Kenya Oral Literature Association.
I think maybe they get carried away in arguing, for example:
(I)t is high time some of the lost values in this generation were tactfully inculcated using oral literature; patience, tolerance, chastity, love and even kindness. Looking upon today's society, it is these values that are missing. Maybe this is why tribalism is rife, coastal youths are turning extremism, HIV and Aids is scaling new heights and crime is a way of life.(Is it really necessary (or in any way helpful) to frame the debate in this way ?)
See also Okot p'Bitek's classic Song of Lawino, from which they quote in opening the piece; as well as the Kenya Oral Literature Association.