As noted above, the Germans really go for author- over book-prizes, and they've now announced that Herta Müller -- yes, the one with the Nobel under her belt -- has won this year's Friedrich-Hölderlin-Preis.
That would be the biennial, €10,000 Friedrich-Hölderlin-Preis awarded by the university and the city of Tübingen -- and not the annual, €20,000 Friedrich-Hölderlin-Preis awarded by the city of Bad Homburg v.d.Höhe.
Yes, there are two of these ..... And while I venerate Hölderlin as much as (or probably more than) the next guy ... come on....
(Also: with all due respect etc. etc. for Herta: she's most deserving, certainly, but ... she needs another author prize ?)
That would be the biennial, €10,000 Friedrich-Hölderlin-Preis awarded by the university and the city of Tübingen -- and not the annual, €20,000 Friedrich-Hölderlin-Preis awarded by the city of Bad Homburg v.d.Höhe.
Yes, there are two of these ..... And while I venerate Hölderlin as much as (or probably more than) the next guy ... come on....
(Also: with all due respect etc. etc. for Herta: she's most deserving, certainly, but ... she needs another author prize ?)