(East) German poet Rainer Kirsch has passed away; see, for example, the (German) report at DeutscheWelle.
Not as well-known in English translation as Sarah, to whom he was married for about a decade, -- amazingly, there doesn't seem to be a single collection of his work published in English -- he was another very important representative of the 'Sächsische Dichterschule' (and student of the influential Georg Maurer) -- along with, among others, Karl Mickel (Einstein), Volker Braun (Rubble Flora), and Heinz Czechowski.
Not as well-known in English translation as Sarah, to whom he was married for about a decade, -- amazingly, there doesn't seem to be a single collection of his work published in English -- he was another very important representative of the 'Sächsische Dichterschule' (and student of the influential Georg Maurer) -- along with, among others, Karl Mickel (Einstein), Volker Braun (Rubble Flora), and Heinz Czechowski.