They've announced that Self-Portrait in Green-author Marie NDiaye will receive (on 13 December) this year's prestigious, biennial €15,000 Nelly-Sachs-Preis.
Previous winners include Norman Manea (2011), Margaret Atwood (2009), Per Olov Enquist (2003), Christa Wolf (1999), Javier Marías (1997), Michael Ondaatje (1995), Juan Goytisolo (1993), Milan Kundera (1987), Nadine Gordimer (1985), and Elias Canetti (1975).
Previous winners include Norman Manea (2011), Margaret Atwood (2009), Per Olov Enquist (2003), Christa Wolf (1999), Javier Marías (1997), Michael Ondaatje (1995), Juan Goytisolo (1993), Milan Kundera (1987), Nadine Gordimer (1985), and Elias Canetti (1975).