In The Bookseller Kiera O'Brien and Sarah Shaffi look at the sales numbers for the Man Booker longlisted titles -- and find Tyler is top-selling Man Booker longlisted title.
While it shouldn't surprise any longer, it still does: books don't really sell. Tom McCarthy's Satin Island -- which got a lot of coverage -- sold a pathetic 922 copies pre-announcement -- and has only sold an additional 589 since. Anne Tyler's book leads the pack -- but: "Most of this is down to the release of the paperback last week".
The shortlisted titles, and then especially the winner, can expect more of a boost -- but still: this is quite sad.
While it shouldn't surprise any longer, it still does: books don't really sell. Tom McCarthy's Satin Island -- which got a lot of coverage -- sold a pathetic 922 copies pre-announcement -- and has only sold an additional 589 since. Anne Tyler's book leads the pack -- but: "Most of this is down to the release of the paperback last week".
The shortlisted titles, and then especially the winner, can expect more of a boost -- but still: this is quite sad.