Channel: the Literary Saloon
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The last 100 reviews

       So, another 100 reviews up at the complete review, as we've now hit 3601, and here some statistics about the last hundred (well, numbers 3501 through 3600):

        - The 100 reviews were posted over 179 days (previous hundred: 172), total 91,164 words (previous hundred: 86,979), and the reviewed books had a total of 24,868 pages.

        - Thirty-one reviews were over 1000 words (the longest: 2738), four were under 500 words (previous hundred: 22 > 1000 words, 12 < 500).

        - Eight reviewed books were over 500 pages long, and three of those were over 800, but there were no thousand-pagers (longest reviewed book: 884pp).

        - Reviewed books were originally written in 22 languages (including English), including two new languages (Galician, Malay). Reading was way too Francophone -- more than a third of reviewed titles were originally written in French (35) -- and 22 were originally written in English. Amazingly and oddly, no German-written books were reviewed. (This is a bit surprising, since I did read half a dozen or so German novels over this period -- but, for a variety of reasons, didn't review any of them.) See also the full round-up of How international are we ? and, especially, the full breakdown of all the languages the books under review were originally written in.

        - Reviewed books were by authors from 37 countries, led by France (25), the US (8), and Indonesia and the UK (5 each).

        - Hey ! I wasn't quite as sexist as usual -- 22 of the titles were authored by women, above the historic average that has now been nudged up to ... (a still very embarrassing) 15.47 %.

        - Fiction -- properly and appropriately -- dominated (fiction is what counts !): 91 of the reviewed titles were fiction: 84 novels and 7 story collections (though I've really tired of story-collections and would be just fine not seeing another one for quite a while).
       Only one play and one poetry-collection were reviewed.

        - No reviewed title was graded 'A', but there were 9 "A-" -- and one "C".

        - The reviewed titles were more contemporary-heavy than I had thought (cf.): 15 titles each that were first published in 2014 and 2015. There were also 9 titles from the 1980s, and 6 from 1900-1909. Only two from before 1900, however.

       I don't really take (m)any lessons from these statistical overviews -- beyond the obvious/usual (read more ! read more fiction ! read more fiction written in more different languages !). Obviously, I think I've been overdoing it on the French stuff (35 out of the past 100 ?!??) and I'd like to be reading more pre-twentieth century works (and a few more plays and poetry collections ...), but I imagine that all won't really influence the next hundred title reviewed (indeed, the first, review 3601, was yet agin, a French novel ...)

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