Channel: the Literary Saloon
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Forthcoming J.K.Rowling novel

       Harry Potter-author J.K.Rowling announced that she's publishing a new (and apparently entirely muggles-populated) novel this fall, The Casual Vacancy.
       I didn't really think this was of much interest to (m)any readers of the complete review, but apparently I was wrong -- not many people purchase books via the Amazon links on these pages, but two copies of The Casual Vacancy were pre-ordered by readers who clicked through to Amazon from somewhere on the site on Thursday alone. So here a belated mention, plus the direct link for pre-orders at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk; see also the Little, Brown publicity page for more information about the title. Among reactions to the announcement, see, for example Sameer Rahim on The Casual Vacancy: why I'm dreading JK Rowling's adult novel in The Telegraph -- and John Crace already offers a 'digested read' of the novel in The Guardian.
       Don't expect a review at the complete review (hey, I haven't even gotten to the Harry Potter books yet ...).

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