Martin Amis' Lionel Asbo is out in the UK -- get your copy at, or, in the US, where it's due out in August, pre-order your copy at -- and the first reviews are coming in:
- In the Daily Express Christopher Bray finds: "Like Lionel himself, it's not that bad but it's just not that good either."
- In the Evening Standard David Sexton thinks: "It's a hoot."
- In the Financial Times Lionel Shriver writes: "I hate to say this, because my hopes were high, but this novel becomes well and truly dull. Amis simply doesn't do much with the premise beyond what most readers could concoct for themselves."
- In The Guardian Theo Tait finds: "The stranger Lionel Asbo gets, the less it seems like a convincing indictment of England today -- and the more it seems that Amis should have a nice lie down in a darkened room. But there are plenty of consolations".
- D.J.Taylor reviews it in The Independent
- Claire Allfree reviews it in Metro