In The Guardian Stuart Jeffries has a solid profile of John Banville: a life in writing.
Banville's Ancient Light is just out in the UK (get your copy at but only due out in the US in October (pre-order your copy at -- though look for that date to be pushed up if it gets Man Booker-shortlisted, as Banville (tongue quite deeply in cheek, no doubt) is certain it will:
Banville's Ancient Light is just out in the UK (get your copy at but only due out in the US in October (pre-order your copy at -- though look for that date to be pushed up if it gets Man Booker-shortlisted, as Banville (tongue quite deeply in cheek, no doubt) is certain it will:
"I think they may as well call the whole thing off and give me the prize now !"(Several Banville titles are under review at the complete review, including his Man Booker-winning The Sea.)