In Frontline Sanjay Kumar considers the Faultlines of Hindi and Urdu -- "once a shared common language of people of India stretching from Peshawar to the borders of Bengal split into two languages [...] Urdu, the Persianised Khari Boli in Persian script, and Hindi, the Sanskritised Khari Boli in Devanagari script".
Fascinating stuff -- e.g.:
Fascinating stuff -- e.g.:
The case of Premchand is quite peculiar as he is considered as belonging to both canons, Urdu and Hindi, but on the basis of his Urdu and Hindi writings separately. So, half of Premchand belongs to the Urdu canon and the other half to the Hindi. The carving of Premchand's body of works into two separate canons is symbolic of the division of the body politic of the nation.No kidding that:
The list of things that we miss out on because of our myopic and insular approach is practically endless.