In The Nation (Sri Lanka) Vihanga Perera considers English writing (and fiction in general) in Sri Lanka, in Unsold books, noting that:
The reality is that in Sri Lanka we do not have a vibrant literary traffic for Lankan authors' English writing. Except for a very limited number who have a cultivated nag to 'check out' the work of Lankan writers who hit the market, our writing in English has little movement at all.I love these articles for observations such as:
With state-of-the-art publication coming in our post off-set era, literary produce has become more an object of technology than what it has been up to the late-1980s. Exotic covers, content, marketing lines, writer thumbnails, sassy blurbs, gloss sheens, embossed fonts all become a part of literary transmission which is more market-strategy than literature.(Though really, once you refer to (or consider) anything as: 'literary produce' you might as well just hang it up right then and there.)