At The Economist's Prospero weblog C.S-M. [surely Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore; I really don't know what this nonsense in-between-anonymity-and-full-name-identification is meant to serve ...] writes about 'Chinese online literature', in Voices in the wilderness.
This isn't the e-book reading familiar to Kindle-owners; instead:
This isn't the e-book reading familiar to Kindle-owners; instead:
Online literature sites have blossomed in the last decade. They provide a rich, and grassroots, alternative to the staid state-run publishing houses. While all books published in the mainland are subject to scrutiny by cautious editors and zealous censors, online literature sites are watched less carefully.I still think this is an under-reported phenomenon (outside China), and am curious to see how it continues to develop.