Brooklyn, he finds, is: "rather embarrassingly civilised", and he's "too old for Manhattan" -- "It's just too noisy, too quick".
So says Martin Amis, in a nice long Financial Times profile by Martin Dickson.
He also: "don't mind saying a bit" about his work in progress. (Does he ever mind saying a bit, or a lot, about anything ?)
It's: "set in an unnamed Auschwitz" -- and, well, at this point in his career one can no longer be sure about anything he writes, but maybe it holds some promise.
He also: "don't mind saying a bit" about his work in progress. (Does he ever mind saying a bit, or a lot, about anything ?)
It's: "set in an unnamed Auschwitz" -- and, well, at this point in his career one can no longer be sure about anything he writes, but maybe it holds some promise.