Yes, another article (by Kelly Chung Dawson, in China Daily) finding that West turns new page in thinking on Chinese literature.
It begins by noting:
But there's more and better detail in the Shanghai Daily report by Yao Minji from a few weeks ago, Old Shanghai thriller lures Western publisher. Here we learn that the book has already been sold in various other markets, notably the Italian one, where Sellerio Editore have already published it (see their publicity page, or get your copy at, and the Italian editor is quoted as saying it: "is selling very well in Italy and the critical reaction is excellent" -- and that:
What's particularly interesting here is (the claim) that:
Indeed, apparently:
(You can't see the dent in my desk where I've been banging my head in pained disbelief at these 'business' practices, but trust me, it's there .....)
The rights manager who 'facilitated' the deal knows how the game is played:
Anyway, getting back to Kelly Chung Dawson's China Daily article, which I started this post with, besides the usual generic blah-blah about Chinese literature in the 'West' (with the predictable pseudo-insightful (conveniently after the fact ...) quotes: "Duncan Jepson, a founding member of the Asia Literary Review, believes that Wang Shuo's Playing for Thrills never caught on in the West because the author's writing style meandered, and focused less on individual characters. Western readers prefer a more specific perspective, and a linear narrative.") I find the claim:
So, given that those figures presented here are dubious, I'm not sure how seriously to take this claim:
Harper Collins recently announced its purchase of Chinese novel Zu Jie [租界] by Xiao Bai [小白] for $60,000, for publication in English.A couple of interesting things about this, beginning with the fact that it's apparently a 'noir thriller' -- not something we've seen much of coming out of China.
The noir thriller will be published in 2015 under the English name French Concession. The purchase is part of a trend signaling increased interest in Chinese literature among Western publications and readers.
But there's more and better detail in the Shanghai Daily report by Yao Minji from a few weeks ago, Old Shanghai thriller lures Western publisher. Here we learn that the book has already been sold in various other markets, notably the Italian one, where Sellerio Editore have already published it (see their publicity page, or get your copy at, and the Italian editor is quoted as saying it: "is selling very well in Italy and the critical reaction is excellent" -- and that:
The Italian edition was key to the size of the deal for Zu Jie. Chen says a few publishers who read the Italian version bid for the rights and drove the price beyond expectations.Indeed, the American purchasing editor is quoted:
"I don't read Chinese," executive editor Karten says. "I managed to get a copy of the Italian translation and it was this version that inspired me to make an offer for it."As I often remind readers, the publishing 'business' (and its models) are entirely beyond my understanding, but ... holy shit, this can't be the way things are done, can it ? We're talking about Chinese here, not some obscure language spoken by a few million, or a few tens of millions of people. And there are publishing professionals relying on ... the Italian version ? (And shelling out $60,000 on the basis of that .....)
What's particularly interesting here is (the claim) that:
The novel by Shanghai author Xiao Bai sold only moderately well in China, but it has the elements that appeal to Western readers.Yes, it isn't even a particularly successful Chinese novel -- but, apparently, perceived to be a Western-reader-friendly one. Yes, clearly this book sold (to US publishers, etc.) not on the basis of its Chinese success or qualities, but on the basis of its Italian success.
Indeed, apparently:
Many Chinese novels were first published in Europe, especially in France or Germany, before the English publishers read the books in French or German and picked up the deal.Any brilliant mind out there think there might be a connection between this selection-'method' and the failure of Chinese fiction to catch on in the English-speaking world ? Anybody ? Hello ?
(You can't see the dent in my desk where I've been banging my head in pained disbelief at these 'business' practices, but trust me, it's there .....)
The rights manager who 'facilitated' the deal knows how the game is played:
"It's better to make recommendations based on what Western readers might like rather than trying to sell bestselling Chinese authors or books to the West," Chen tells Shanghai Daily.God forbid anyone would simply be trying to buy or sell good books, not worrying about where it was or might be a bestseller. (Yes, I understand that publishers want to publish bestsellers, but as they should be the first to admit, about nine times out of ten (certainly with fiction) they haven't the foggiest idea beforehand whether a book will be a resounding sales success or not.)
Anyway, getting back to Kelly Chung Dawson's China Daily article, which I started this post with, besides the usual generic blah-blah about Chinese literature in the 'West' (with the predictable pseudo-insightful (conveniently after the fact ...) quotes: "Duncan Jepson, a founding member of the Asia Literary Review, believes that Wang Shuo's Playing for Thrills never caught on in the West because the author's writing style meandered, and focused less on individual characters. Western readers prefer a more specific perspective, and a linear narrative.") I find the claim:
However, the growth and popularity of Chinese fiction outside of China is still in its infancy. American readers have not demonstrated a huge appetite for foreign literature; in 2012, US publishers purchased 453 foreign titles, about 3 percent of all US book publications. Only 16 of those books were first published in Chinese.As readers who have been paying attention will recall, I recently ranted about the use of these very figures; I won't repeat myself (but how I wish journalists wouldn't just grab and repeat whatever eye-catching figures they come across, but rather would actually consider what these mean and represent ...).
So, given that those figures presented here are dubious, I'm not sure how seriously to take this claim:
China's book market is now the world's largest. The industry published 7.7 billion books in 2011, a 7.5 percent increase from 2010. Of those books, 48 sold more than one million copies. Most of those titles were written by Chinese authors for Chinese readers, but Western books translated into Chinese also feature prominently.Well, if nothing else, it's clear that the Chinese market -- domestic and foreign (translated) remains difficult to get much of a handle on.