Among the most anticipated of forthcoming books is Towards the One and Only Metaphor-author Szentkuthy Miklós's debut novel from 1934, finally appearing in English in Tim Wilkinson's translation: Prae.
(See the Contra Mundum Press publicity page, or get your copy at or
As a Christmas treat -- and/or tease -- they offer a preview (warning ! dreaded pdf format !) -- the first ninety-nine pages of the book ! Talk about whetting your appetite !
Yes, the whole thing weighs in at over 700 pages, so it's not that much ... still. A good start, while you wait for the book you've by now ordered to come in the mail, right ?
As a Christmas treat -- and/or tease -- they offer a preview (warning ! dreaded pdf format !) -- the first ninety-nine pages of the book ! Talk about whetting your appetite !
Yes, the whole thing weighs in at over 700 pages, so it's not that much ... still. A good start, while you wait for the book you've by now ordered to come in the mail, right ?