They've announced the finalists for the 2015 Nordic Council Literature Prize.
Each country/territory gets to nominate a fiction and a poetry title (though some only put up one or another); among this year's entries are Karin Erlandsson's novel Minkriket ('Mink Kingdom') representing Åland and the Sami language area representative poetry collection amas amas amasmuvvat (apparently translating as: 'not to the strange alien shall be made') by Niillas Holmberg.
Click on each title for a description of the works in the running.
Each country/territory gets to nominate a fiction and a poetry title (though some only put up one or another); among this year's entries are Karin Erlandsson's novel Minkriket ('Mink Kingdom') representing Åland and the Sami language area representative poetry collection amas amas amasmuvvat (apparently translating as: 'not to the strange alien shall be made') by Niillas Holmberg.
Click on each title for a description of the works in the running.