The German Academy for Language and Literature has announced that Rainald Goetz will receive this year's Georg-Büchner-Preis (he'll get to pick it and the €50,000 prize-money up on 31 October); see also, for example, the DeutscheWelle report, Rainald Goetz: Top German literature prize goes to edgy ex-doctor.
The Büchner Prize is the top German author-prize, and it has a very impressive list of previous winners.
Not much of Goetz's work has been translated into English -- but you can get his play, Jeff Koons; see the Oberon publicity page or the Suhrkamp foreign rights page, or get your copy at or
The Büchner Prize is the top German author-prize, and it has a very impressive list of previous winners.
Not much of Goetz's work has been translated into English -- but you can get his play, Jeff Koons; see the Oberon publicity page or the Suhrkamp foreign rights page, or get your copy at or