In Sunday's Zaman Can Bahadır Yüce has a Q & A with the author, in which Tim Parks says importance of literature overrated.
Some good answers, including:
See also the publicity pages for the book at the New York Review Books and Harvill Secker, or get your copy at or
Some good answers, including:
What is the biggest challenge facing a young writer in the global age ? Originality ?Most of the discussion is occasioned by Parks' writing in Where I'm Reading From: The Changing World of Books -- much of which previously appeared at the NYRDaily weblog. I haven't seen the book, but I always enjoy (if rarely fully agree with ...) the posts.
The greatest challenge for any young writer is finding a publisher and getting paid.
See also the publicity pages for the book at the New York Review Books and Harvill Secker, or get your copy at or