At PEN Atlas Tasja Dorkofikis has a Q &A with local favorite (and much-reviewed) Amélie Nothomb -- mainly about her just-published (in English) Pétronille.
Aside from noting that the title-character is based on Stéphanie Hochet (see also, for example, the Salon littérraire Q & A, Pétronille par elle-même: Stéphanie Hochet est un personnage de fiction), Nothomb also mentions her prolificacy:
Aside from noting that the title-character is based on Stéphanie Hochet (see also, for example, the Salon littérraire Q & A, Pétronille par elle-même: Stéphanie Hochet est un personnage de fiction), Nothomb also mentions her prolificacy:
I am now writing my 84th novel. I published 24 of them. I don't know where this urge to write comes from.