The Fifth Dimension review
The most recent addition to the complete review is my review of Martin Vopěnka's The Fifth Dimension, just out from intrepid Barbican Press.
View ArticlePrize: DSC Prize shortlist
They've announced the six-title strong shortlist for the DSC Prize for South Asian Literature (in London, of course, because ...). It includes one novel in translation, K.R.Meera's...
View ArticlePrize: Finlandia Prize
They've announced that Oneiron, by Laura Lindstedt, has won the Finlandia Prize, the biggest Finnish literary prize; see, for example, the Yle report, Author Lindstedt slams government after...
View ArticleNY Times 100 Notable Books
The New York Times has announced its 100 Notable Books of 2015 After a mere three titles in translation in 2013 and eight last year they impressively managed to include what appears to...
View ArticleThe Perception of Meaning review
The most recent addition to the complete review is my review of a collection of Jordanian author Hisham Bustani's short fiction, The Perception of Meaning, just out in a bilingual edition, from...
View ArticleJean Hatzfeld Q & A
In the Forward Benjamin Ivry has a Q & A with Machete Season-author Jean Hatzfeld, who continues to write about the 1994 Rwandan genocide and its aftermath.
View ArticleAmélie Nothomb Q & A
At PEN Atlas Tasja Dorkofikis has a Q &A with local favorite (and much-reviewed) Amélie Nothomb -- mainly about her just-published (in English) Pétronille. Aside from noting that the...
View Article'Best books' at The Guardian
The Guardian, too, gets quite a selection of authors to: "reveal which of the past year's books they have most enjoyed" -- indeed, so many authors that this is actually only: Best books of 2015...
View ArticleAmir Gutfreund (1963-2015)
Israeli writer Amir Gutfreund has passed away; see, for example, Award-winning author Amir Gutfreund dies at The Jerusalem Post. He's probably best known for Our Holocaust -- somewhat...
View ArticleLiterary criticism, East African style ?
In the Daily Nation Chris Wanjala is disappointed with where literary criticism (and hence, apparently, literature itself) seems to be headed in East Africa, explaining: How literature is dying...
View ArticleMore French 'books of the year'
Another French publication gets in on the 'books of the year'-game, with Le Point announcing Notre palmarès des 25 livres de l'année 2015 It's largely made up of the predictable usual...
View ArticleKorrektur-Verlag
In the Neue Zürcher Zeitung Ingeborg Waldinger profiles (in German) the wonderful-sounding Thomas Bernhard-devoted (really devoted ...) Korrektur-Verlag -- quite an impressive...
View ArticleSpooky Action at a Distance review
The most recent addition to the complete review is my review of George Musser's Spooky Action at a Distance. This title is noteworthy for its subtitle, too -- one of the longest in...
View ArticleOverlooked books
A worthwhile variation on the best-books-of-the-year lists that continue to flood the internet (with a month still to go in the year, sigh ...) is Slate's The Overlooked Books of 2015, where:...
View ArticleThe Case of the Missing Moonstone review
The most recent addition to the complete review is my review of the first in Jordan Stratford's The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency-series, The Case of the Missing Moonstone. A rare...
View ArticleQ & A: Ivan Vladislavić
At 3:AM Tristan Foster has a more limited Q & A -- eight questions -- with Ivan Vladislavić. There are half a dozen Vladislavić titles under review at the complete review, most...
View ArticleQ & A: Gabriel Josipovici
There's an interesting in-depth Q & A with Gabriel Josipovici by Victoria Best at Numéro Cinq. The only Josipovici title under review at the complete review is of What Ever Happened...
View ArticleEdwar El Kharrat (1926-2015)
Egyptian author Edwar El Kharrat has also passed away; see, for example, Mohammed Saad's ahramonline report. He's best-known for Rama and the Dragon -- see the American University in...
View ArticleMarjorie Oludhe Macgoye (1928-2015)
British-born Kenyan author Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye has reportedly passed away. Feminist Press did bring out two of her books in the US -- see their publicity page -- and even The New...
View ArticleThe Lost Garden review
The most recent addition to the complete review is my review of Taiwanese author Li Ang's The Lost Garden, just out from Columbia University Press. Best-known for The Butcher's Wife,...
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