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Claudio Magris Q & A

       At Kirkus Jessa Crispin has A Talk with Claudio Magris about 'Blindly'.
       What there is is interesting, but it's not much -- and it's pretty cruel/rude to note/rub it in that:
Magris and I spoke for ages. But in this short excerpt, we spoke of the line between fiction and nonfiction, and how history speaks to a novelist.
       Isn't one of the great things about the Internet the endless space one has ? Enough to publish even conversations that go on for ages .....

       I have my copy of Blindly and hope to cover it soon; see also the Yale University Press publicity page, or get your copy at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. (Oddly, the English translation was first published Penguin (Hamish Hamilton) Canada last year -- see their publicity page -- but Penguin isn't the one publishing it in the US or UK; that's left to a university press.)

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